Sunday, May 15, 2011

Painting Light in Motion

Painting Light in Motion;
ARTIST Mirza Ajanovic MOTION Photography;
OPUS: Painting with light; Action Expressionism;
Rhythm and Movement Painting; Action Painting;
Painting MUSIC with Light; Visual expression of music in paintings;
ART Avant-garde; Abstract Expressionism;
Mirza Ajanovic Expressive Photography;
These are Unaltered Images. Not cropped.

Painting Light in Motion

Painting Light in Motion 2

Painting Light in Motion 3

Painting Light in Motion 7

Painting Light in Motion Run in 2 IT

 Painting Light in Motion Run InTo

Painting Light in Motion run in 2



Holy Derangement


Mirrors Edge

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shadows Dance

OPUS: Shadows Dance,
Artist MIRZA AJANOVIC: Painting with Light,
Motion ART, Rhythm and Movement Painting,  Action Expressionism,
Psychological reality brought a new level of emotional intensity,
ART Avant-garde, Symbolism, Transcendental ART,
Perception beyond Appearance’s, Mystical Photography,
Perception beyond any veil; including the veil of religion;
’In It’s light, invisible in a secret place,
In the heart It resides.’
Mirza Ajanovic POETIC Photography,
Fine ART Photography, limited edition prints,
These are Unaltered Images.

Mystic Meeting



Souls Escape

Reds Couplet

Painting MUSIC with Light

Painting MUSIC with Light,
ARTIST Mirza Ajanovic: MOTION Photography,
Rhythm and Movement Painting, Music of light, Painting Music,
Visual expression of music in Photography, ART Avant-garde,
Painting with Light, Motion ART, Painting with MOTION Light,
Motion artist, Perception beyond Appearances,
Mirza Ajanovic fine ART Photography,
These are Unaltered Images. Not cropped.

Painting MUSIC with Light

Painting MUSIC with Light 4

Painting MUSIC with Light 4U

Painting MUSIC with Light 2

Painting MUSIC with Light  Finale Furioso

Friday, May 13, 2011

Music of Light

OPUS: Music of Light,
ARTIST Mirza Ajanovic; POETIC Photography,
Visual Expression of Music in Photography,
Intensely preoccupied with exploring Light,
Picture is based on light and darkness counterpoints,
With elements of Chiaroscuro, Abstract ART,
Black & White photography,
Mirza Ajanovic; Fine ART Photography,

Music of Light

Music of Light 01

Music of Light 02

Music of Light 03

Music of Light 04

Music of Light 05

Music of Light 06

Add caption 07